Free Bet Updates brings you the very best free bingo offers from across the UK. We specialise in finding all the best free bingo deals and bringing them to one easy to use website – enabling you to compare the most competitive free bingo offers on the market. Use our links to find free bingo games and free offers for joining new bingo operators. We only work with the biggest names in the online bingo world in order to bring you credible deals and real sign-up bargains.
£25 Free Bingo – William Hill Bingo
William Hill offer one of the best bingo deals on the web, with upto £25 free for all new players. To claim the £25 bonus all you have to do is spend £10 on bingo within 48 hours of your account. There are no hidden withdrawal restrictions for this offer but obviously you have to stake the £25 bonus before you can withdraw it.
Straight to William Hill Bingo